Auden Carlsen

a review of Boy George's Crimes against Auden Carlsen

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Auden Carlsen
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Auden Carlsen is the man who was handcuffed to a radiator and beaten by Boy George and an accomplice. Boy George's lawyer admitted Boy George was high on cocaine and other drugs. Auden Carlsen was working for Boy George as a male-model - posing for a photo shoot. Auden Carlsen was eventually able to free himself and flee into the streets, nearly naked and bleeding.

Boy George was arrested and found guilty for false-imprisonment of Auden Carlsen. For his crimes, Boy George was sentenced to 15-months in jail in the UK.

Since Boy George was released from jail, the press and tabloids have focused on Boy George's version of the events, with very few reporting on Auden Carlsen. The incident scarred Carlsen, admitting he spent years in therapy over the trauma caused by this, with depression and anxiety following in the wake of the attack. wants to give Auden a forum to share his voice publicly and will publish Auden Carlsen's story - we just need to hear from him.

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